Friday 15 January 2010


A few months back, i saw a television show, seeing if Jesus existed, this is when i realised i didn't believe in any religion, this show has scientific proof proving Jesus did exist, But didn't perform miracles He was a teacher, yes maybe he was born on
christmas,Maybe,if anyoen has any scientific proof to prove that,
Feel free to post The link or feel free to post your views on this
Subject. Again, Back to my opinion,Jesus may have been born on
christmas and there may have been a star above that stable if he was
even born in a stable but in my opinion it was a coincidence i highly doubt that a star
could appear just because someone is being born,it was probably the
north star that they were following, the brightest star that you can see,
apparently i don't usually look up for the brightest star out there,
So yeah, they are my views on Jesus and his birth, coincidence if you ask me

Rob Bishop
Second Post - 15/01/10 - 12:03

My Religious Views

In my opinion, religion may be a waste, yes i do believe in some religious factors, e.g karma i do believe that 'what comes around goes around'. I may be only young at the moment but i do still have my views on religion, i do NOT believe in any type or form of god. People do say the bible is the true holy book, people of another religion will obviously disagree And again, i believe the bible is just a book, There is no evidence that god exists, if he does, then where is he? religion has been around for centuries, why hasn't he made an appearance, and an angel coming to a virgin saying 'you will have a baby boy you will name him Jesus' Not very realistic, I'm not trying to disrespect Christians people have they're own views, some believe some need to see to believe. As you have probably gathered i am an Atheist.

Rob Bishop
First Post - 15/01/10 at 11:50 am